You need to organise your Content Strategy? The first question should be: “What may I consider as Content in my company/organisation” ? There is much more than you think….
Extract of ” Why Companies Needs a Head of Content Stragegy, Creation and Distribution“ by
“Every piece of communication that companies create is potentially an asset that can be shared. Every piece of communication can help dimensionalize a company, further define its brands and tighten bonds with customers. But very few have that kind of macro perspective on and exposure to all the content they produce. At larger companies, which are often siloed and matrixed, few people even think about the kinds of content that can be shared with customers. […]”
For example, the head of content at Hermès could surface the RFP used by the head of purchasing in the 1800s to buy leather and described the painstaking process of evaluating each and every hide. Such a unique artifact would make great content. I can also imagine the head of content at P&G looking through the company’s patents and finding the original formula for Tide and then somehow turning it into a science experiment/contest in high school classes across America. That would certainly enhance Tide’s reputation as innovative and customer focused.”
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